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OE Wheels Replica wheels are made in hand-selected ISO 9001 certified factories around the world, we pride ourselves on the relationships that we have built with these factories. Having strong relationships with your factories can be beneficial in many ways, such as ensuring that you receive high-quality products and being able to work closely with them to develop new products or make improvements to existing ones.
People gravitate to purchasing replica wheels for many reasons. Some consumers are just looking to replace a wheel due to damaging their factory wheels. Other customers are looking to upgrade the look of their vehicle without breaking the bank. OE Wheels has been in the business of giving a base model vehicle an upgraded look simply by upgrading your wheels. For example, say you have always wanted a Chevy Camaro ZL1 but just don’t have the budget for it. OE Wheels offers ZL1 replica wheels to fit a base model Camaro.
When shopping for a new set of replica wheels there are the important qualifiers that we suggest consumers should look for.
Since inception OE Wheel Distributors has forged relationships with some of the world’s highest quality, ISO 9001 certified wheel manufacturers. Many of these same facilities also produce wheels for some of the largest names in the US domestic brand lineup. All of our products are designed, engineered, manufactured and tested to adhere strictly to all SAE-J2530 requirements and backed by lifetime structural warranty.
We have found that over the past 21 years, our experience in this industry allows us to provide our customers with a higher quality product at a lower price than the industry average. Our goal is to provide our customers the best replica wheel in the industry.
Our vast selection of over 100,000 replica wheels have become a popular choice for automotive enthusiasts. Our selection includes replica wheels for many of the cars, trucks, and SUVs on the road. We offer replica wheels for GMC, Chevy Trucks, Corvette, Camaro, Mustang, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Lexus, and Toyota. With wheels styles including but not limited to the Snowflake wheel, Honeycomb wheels, Hellcat replica wheels, Spider Monkey wheels, Denali wheels and Bullitt wheels to name a few.
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